Pearl Bouquet

Pearl Bouquet


Pearl Bouquet

The stunning elegance of this invitation is sure to impress. Shimmering pearl foil lavishly highlights a border of intricately embossed flowers on the front cover of this divine invitation. The customized metallic foil-stamped and embossed center displays your names and your wedding date, surrounded by an elegant border. The inside of the invitation has a foil stamped border accompanied by a floral pattern both embossed and printed to enhance the beauty. This invitation prints on a premium thick smooth white paper stock. The inner envelope is intricately embossed around the front with the floral border pattern, and has a matching metallic gold or silver liner. The outer envelope has a printed floral pattern, completing this invitation set with a full bouquet on each piece.

Size: 6-1/8” x 8-1/4” portrait format

Weight (including an RSVP card and envelope): 5.0 ounces

If you love what you see but want it in a different color, this invitation can be further customized with your wedding color.

PRICE PER SET: Contact us for your personalized quotation  

1 Set includes: Customized luxury invitation, lined inner envelope, and outer envelope printed with return address on the flap and adhesive seal strip.

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